Malls are trendy. Church
should feel
With the forceful current of constant change sweeping over every part of our lives, people have the need to connect with something enduring and firm. We believe Christ designed the church to fulfill that need by representing an eternal kingdom and ageless truth with no need to imitate the culture. We want you to know that there is still a church that feels like a church. It won’t feel like a rock concert, comedy club, or motivational seminar. It’s not old-fashioned, as in 50 years ago, it is timeless, as in 2,000 years ago.
Join us this Sunday
Discovery Bible Study | 9:15 am
Morning Worship Service | 10:30 am
Evening Service | 5:00 pm
Wednesday | 7:00 pm
Our Beliefs
beliefs that unite us
Jesus Christ is the very Son of God.
We believe Jesus Christ was born of Mary the virgin, and is the very Son of God. (Matthew 1:23)
Christ's intercessory work.
We believe that He alone is the mediator and intercessor between God and man. (I Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 7:25)
Eternal security of the believer.
We believe that Christ keeps those who are born again eternally secure. (II Timothy 1:12; John 10:28)
Christ's payment for our sins.
We believe that Christ died for our sins. (I Corinthians 15:3)
Salvation by grace through faith.
We believe that in order to be “saved” the soul must be born again. (John 3:3)
Righteous living and worldly separation.
We believe that Christians are called to separation from worldly, sinful practices, unto a life of usefulness for Christ. (II Corinthians 6:17)
Christ's bodily resurrection.
We believe that He arose from the grave the third day. (I Corinthians 15:4)
Baptism by immersion.
We believe that every born again soul should declare his/her faith through baptism by immersion in water. (Romans 6:4-5)
The local church.
We believe a church is a body of baptized believers whose mission is to preach and teach the gospel of salvation. (Matthew 28:18-20)

Visiting any church for the very first time can be a tough experience. Well, we want to put you at ease. On your visit, you can expect it to feel like church. You won’t mistake it for a rock concert, a theatre, a Broadway musical, positive-thinking seminar, or a political rally. It feels different from anything else throughout the week – it feels like church. Your first visit to Canaan will be refreshing, friendly, and enjoyable for your whole family. We want you to experience inspiring music, helpful teaching and preaching, friendly people, and a place where you feel welcome and “at home”! Here are a few answers to your questions and what you might expect on your first visit.
What are your services like?
At Canaan, we still believe in preaching God’s Word. It will be direct and unapologetic, but it is truth. Our goal is not to make you laugh or make you cry or even to help you feel good. Our goal is to help you change by understanding how God’s truth affects your daily life. We have found that when people do good, feeling good is automatic and longer-lasting.
You won’t find rock music necessary to get people involved in the singing. The hymns are alive and sung with a passion. You will find some old music and some new songs, but all of them will still sound like they belong to God. And God deserves quality. You’ll find that, too.
Every service will end with an invitation to respond to the challenge from God’s Word. That such a holy God would take time to speak to us is an awesome idea and demands that He receive a response from us. The pastor or trained men and women are always available to pray with you if you need to accept Christ as your Savior or need further help from God’s Word.
When are your services?
Worship is the act of loving and responding to God! Through the heart-warming, conservative music and the clear, Bible teaching and preaching in our services, your heart will be inspired to love and to respond to God. Each week, families are strengthened, encouraged, and drawn closer to Him through these special times together. Each service is carefully planned and prayed over so that God may work in your life!
Small Group Bible Fellowships | 9:15 am
Morning Worship | 10:30 am
Evening Worship | 5:00 pm
King’s Kids | 7:00 pm
Evening Service | 7:00 pm
How should I dress?
We do not have any formal dress code for members or guests. We simply encourage folks to give God their best with what they have. Because God is the audience of the service, you’ll find it a little more formal without being stuffy. Our ministry leaders and many of our church family dress in more traditional “Sunday” dress. The trend in many churches is to promote a casual environment. We have chosen, instead, to recognize that God is present and we want to dress in whatever our best might be. It is not an attempt to “impress” God or anyone else, but rather a sincere desire to honor Him. You will still find a welcoming environment free of concern that someone is judging how you are dressed.
How do I get to Canaan Baptist Church?
We are located less than a half mile from Liberty Middle School & South Salem Elementary School.
Located half way between Brown’s Bridge Rd. and Hwy. 81
From I-20, take Exit 84 onto GA-162 (Salem Rd.) Travel South on Salem Rd. approximately 6.4 miles, Canaan is located on the right.
Am I expected to give in the offering?
No. We don’t invite you to Canaan for your offering. We want our service to be a gift to you. We hope you will find in this place a warm family spirit, truth from God’s Word, and a place where you can grow in God’s grace. Please don’t feel any obligation to participate in the offering as a guest.
What about my teens?
The high school years are an important time of transition as children are becoming young adults. It is during these years that they begin to establish what kind of person they are going to be. At Canaan, the goal is to help these young people cultivate a close walk with God and equip them to know Him personally. Every aspect of the youth ministry is done with the purpose of strengthening their relationships with God, their parents, authorities and peers.
Although teens love to have fun, it is important to balance that fun with an emphasis on God’s Word. We want to provide them with a friendly environment that is both exciting and helpful in order to help them grow.
Where do I take my children?
Starting with excellent nurseries, there is something special for every age child. Our nurseries provide a clean and safe environment to help care for your children. Volunteers who work with the children are carefully interviewed, screened, and trained. Parents can have peace of mind while they attend one of the adult Bible study fellowships or the worship services. Nursery is provided for newborns through three years old for all services.
We have separate and comfortable rooms for nursing moms and infant babies.
Exciting classes are provided for children three years old through 6th grade.